Monday, September 15, 2008

The Path of Least Resistance
One challenge of our spiritual path is to learn how to make the process of growth and learning easier. We know that the experience can be hard, many of us have struggled and suffered for much of our lives. But how hard does it have to be? Does it have to be difficult at all? We have come here to bring heaven on earth and for many of us, that process involves, to a certain extent, ‘going through hell’ first. But there is a path of least resistance, where we can learn and grow without going through difficulty. And we are now ready to begin to incorporate it into our journey.

We are born with the memory of how hard our soul journey has been and a contract to heal our karma and to transform relationships with our soul group so that we can move forward in our spiritual evolution. Many of our past lives have involved fighting and struggling to bring change, to be heard and to spread the light to those who were not ready for it. So we came prepared to fight for our cause, to spread the light in any way we could, to get the job done, no matter what it took. But these energies are changing and a new way is available to us.

The path of least resistance is one where we step into the flow, where we are at one with our purpose and learn our lessons without also creating more hardship for ourselves. There are two paths in every lesson, the hard one and the easy one. Both will get us to the same destination and deliver the same result. We don’t always see the easy path because we believe that the difficult path is somehow better or we gain more when we struggle. With our ‘no pain, no gain’ belief about spiritual learning we choose the hard path and struggle through our lessons.

We choose the path of least resistance, or the easier path, when we can be in a state of detachment with our lessons, when we can accept ‘what is’ and find the blessing. To see this path we must be out of fear and into unconditional love. Healing our emotional DNA and the karma associated with it is an important part of this process. When we remove our emotional responses and their associated feelings of anger, disappointment, hurt, unmet expectations and sadness all of our lessons take on new meaning. They become opportunities for learning instead of proof that we are not good enough, unlovable, unworthy or undeserving of what we want. And then we can find peace because within the path of least resistance we can find peace without chaos, love without hurt and joy without pain.

Within each lesson is a choice point, a moment where we can choose the hard path or the one of least resistance. When we are emotionally charged the choice is not obvious but it is there. And we can always change our choice. Nothing says that we have to see a difficult lesson through to the bitter end. Once we realize that there is another easier, less painful and difficult way we can stop and simply move onto an easier path. That takes detachment because we have to be willing to accept, forgive and to be detached. That’s hard to do when we are on a mission, we want to be vindicated and someone has pushed us to our last nerve. There are questions to ask when making this choice, such as
Do I really want to do this?
How far am I willing to take this?
Why is this so important to me?
Am I willing to let go?

Once we understand why we are so vested in the difficult path, the easy path becomes an option. Of course, if we choose the difficult path anyway, we will arrive at the same level of learning and growth. It may take a little longer and we may be worn out at the end but we will eventually arrive at the end of the lesson. The path of least resistance is always an option for us, we don’t get any additional points or blessings by making our life difficult. We can choose the hard path and we have to remember why we chose it. Or we can choose the easy path and learn our lessons without sacrificing our peace and joy.

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