Friday, February 6, 2009

Your Valentine's Day Miracle

February 6, 2009

In a week we will celebrate Valentine’s Day. Like Christmas and Easter, it is one of the few holidays that the world recognizes. Is it because we share the need for what it represents, to be loved and cherished by another? Do you look forward to Valentine’s day with dread or with great joy? Do you see it as a reminder of your unsuccessful romantic life or as an opportunity to celebrate yourself and your life whether or not someone is there to do that for you?

For many of you this Valentine’s Day may have other concerns, you may be afraid of losing your job or have already lost it, you may have be unemployed, there may be problems with your family or children, reports on our economic crisis may be troubling you or you may be one of the millions of people around the world who are struggling with finding their life purpose. In the face of your many problems, Valentine’s Day may be insignificant. And on top of everything else, the fact that you don’t have someone to buy you flowers, candy or jewelry, or that you do not have a significant other may be downright depressing.

But there is a way to change that and we are going to start today. Today you will begin to create your Valentine’s Day miracle. This may or may not mean that you will find a new romance by February 14, 2009, but it will start you on the path of creating the possibility for romance in your life in 2009.

Today, you will begin by thinking of an incident in your life where you were reminded that you are loved. This can be anything from winning an award to a happy memory with a favorite relative to an incident where someone let you know that you were important.

For me, that was an incident that happened with my father, who died 20 years ago. He was a quiet man, very reserved and who did not often show emotion. In fact, my father was rarely around the house. But this one time, he came through for me and let me know that he loved me.

I was 15 years old, just beginning to be interested in boys and had set my eyes on a young man. A friend had invited me to their pool party and I was excited because this young man would be there. We had talked quite a bit, he seemed to be interested and I was sure that he liked me. Well, when I got to the party he was there, holding hands with another girl who he said was his girlfriend. I was devastated and could not wait to for the party to be over.

When my father came to pick me up I got into the car and said very little, which was unusual for me because I always talked a lot. My father turned to me and asked ‘Is everything all right?.’ That did it, the tears started falling and I told him what had happened. My quiet, reserved father held my hand while I cried and then gave me a hug and told me that I would find someone who would appreciate the wonderful person that I was.

In that moment I felt loved, appreciated and very special. My parents divorced soon after that and my father was even more distant. But the memory of that moment has been my reminder that I was loved and appreciated.

As you remember your special moment, let the love that you felt in that moment fill you up, breathe in the joy you felt, the security and that wonderful feeling of knowing that someone gave you the validation you needed. Can you feel it? Good. Now, you are going to keep that feeling with you for the rest of the day.

And every time you walk by a Valentine’s Day display and you are tempted to feel sorry for yourself because no one will be buying you a Valentine, recall that feeling and know that you are loved. Remember that we have to be what we want to attract, that is the Law of Attraction. You can’t attract love from a place of feeling unlovable. As you go through your day, remember that you are loved, lovable and are worthy of love.

That’s today’s lesson, we’ll have another tomorrow.

Many blessings of love and joy to you,
Jennifer Hoffman

Do you need a miracle? Buy the book that teaches you how., available soon.

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