Thursday, February 12, 2009

Patience, Divine Timing, Faith & Trust

Create a Valentine’s Day Miracle

Over the last 7 days you have worked on some aspect of healing that was designed to help you create a Valentine’s Day miracle. Your miracle could have been to create a relationship or it could have been to create love, in all of its manifestations, in some other area of your life. While we use the word ‘love’ in a romantic context, love actually has many attributes, including kindness, respect, honor, commitment, selflessness and consideration, to name a few. You give love to others when you appreciate, accept, respect and honor them. They give love to you when they show you that they honor and accept you.

Have you ever entered a relationship with someone hoping they would change in the future? What happened in the relationship and what was your experience? Did the person change into what you wanted or needed them to be? How long did you wait, hoping the changes you wanted to see would happen and they did not? How did that make you feel?

The greatest testament of love we can give to someone is to accept them as they are. Even if we do not like what they are doing, if we can accept that whatever they are doing is the best that they are capable of at that moment in time, we are showing them love in an unconditional way. The only choice we can make is to decide whether or not we are going to be in the same energetic space as they are. We always have a choice as to who we allow into our life and share our energy with. Wanting someone to change any aspect of themselves or their behavior into what we want them to be or what is best for us shows a lack of acceptance and is a misuse of our power. When we are in acceptance we make relationship choices based on what is best for us in the moment. Any other choice assumes that things will be different in the future but we do not live in the future, we live in the present.

If you have asked for a miracle and it has not happened, do you think you are doing something wrong? Waiting for miracles to manifest is one of our greatest challenges. And yet what we call ‘waiting’ is not really that at all. Miracles happen when we ask for them and as the energies work on our behalf our miracle is created and at the right time it manifests in our life. We say this takes patience but what it really takes is faith and trust, knowing that all of our requests and prayers are always heard and responded to.

When we work with Universal principles we also have to respect Universal Laws and that includes the concepts of patience, trust, divine timing and faith. Without our acceptance of these principles we are always in a hurry, fearful of the results and anxious that our life is not manifesting in the right or best way. Just as we can give others acceptance as a form of love, we can give it to ourselves too. When we recognize that we also do the best we can at any moment in time, we are giving ourselves love and recognizing that all things happen for a reason, at the right time and in the right order.

So if this Valentine’s Day finds you alone and you have been praying for a romance, don’t despair. You have asked for your miracle and it is on its way to you. It will arrive at the right time, in the most perfect way and be what you wanted and maybe even more. Trust, have faith, be patient and watch for your miracle—sometimes they happen in unexpected, miraculous ways. Until then, remember that true love begins with you and when you love and accept yourself you will create a relationship where you are honored, accepted, appreciated and loved in the same measure and more.

Wishing you the blessings of love in these miraculous times, and a happy Valentine's Day.

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