Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cutting the Cords of the Past

Create a Valentine’s Day miracle, Day 7

Everything that you have done in this exercise this far has been designed to help you create a Valentine’s Day miracle. Maybe you won’t create a new relationship before February 14, which is just a few days away, but you have created the energy around you to allow it to happen. And it can, once we remove our blocks the Universe can move very quickly. But first we must understand how we make choices and what we allow into our life.

Everything in our life is about choice and allowing. We make the choices that create the reality we have and we allow everything that is in our life to have a place there. Whether we are making those choices consciously or unconsciously, aware of what we are doing or not, we use our power to create our reality and the Universe responds to us so that everything we think and say happens, just as we thought and said it. So when we set our intention for something, as in creating a relationship, if we are not consciously directing the process, we are unconsciously engaging a very powerful process that is going to manifest from our thoughts, words, emotions and beliefs.

So if your previous relationship was not pleasant and you are trying to create a new one, it is important to release all of the pain that was associated with that relationship or you will have an opportunity to do that in the next one. This happens because you have unfinished business with yourself. You need to heal and release all of the sadness, pain and hurt so that you can create another kind of relationship. The Universe doesn’t punish us, it never does that. It does, however, help us create experiences that respond to our soul’s call for healing.

This process works in every area of your life. If you were unhappy in a job and left it feeling powerless, you will create another job like it so that you can regain your power and access a higher vibration that allows you to release these energies and heal. Every experience you have that compromises your power and causes pain, fear, regret, disappointment, sadness and betrayal is a call to heal. You can either heal yourself and release these energies on your own or you will have another, similar experience that will help you do that.

So for today’s exercise we will do release work. Choose any relationship in your life, this can be a romantic relationship, a job, someone in your family, a friend, any relationship in which you felt powerless, not respected, or that you feel disappointed with or sad about. Write down every negative emotion you experienced in that relationship and how they make you feel today, as you remember them. Imagine that every one of those negative emotions is tied to you with a silver cord (because they are). Now pretend that you have a large pair of scissors in your hands, make them as big as you want to. Then read through your list of negative emotions and as you read each negative emotion cut the silver cord that corresponds to it. You can burn a candle while doing this, if you want to add an aspect of ceremony to the process.

Once you have finished cutting all of the cords, take a deep breath and tell yourself that ‘it is done’. You can burn your list or tear it up and throw it away. You can keep it if you wish but remember that you are finished with this so you don’t need to re-read your list.

Now you have removed your ties to the emotions around this relationship, and others like it, and you can create a new, fulfilling, joyful relationship because you have completed your healing work and no longer need to create other relationships to help you do that.

Until tomorrow, wishing you the blessings of love in these miraculous times.

Many blessings,

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