Thursday, February 12, 2009

Patience, Divine Timing, Faith & Trust

Create a Valentine’s Day Miracle

Over the last 7 days you have worked on some aspect of healing that was designed to help you create a Valentine’s Day miracle. Your miracle could have been to create a relationship or it could have been to create love, in all of its manifestations, in some other area of your life. While we use the word ‘love’ in a romantic context, love actually has many attributes, including kindness, respect, honor, commitment, selflessness and consideration, to name a few. You give love to others when you appreciate, accept, respect and honor them. They give love to you when they show you that they honor and accept you.

Have you ever entered a relationship with someone hoping they would change in the future? What happened in the relationship and what was your experience? Did the person change into what you wanted or needed them to be? How long did you wait, hoping the changes you wanted to see would happen and they did not? How did that make you feel?

The greatest testament of love we can give to someone is to accept them as they are. Even if we do not like what they are doing, if we can accept that whatever they are doing is the best that they are capable of at that moment in time, we are showing them love in an unconditional way. The only choice we can make is to decide whether or not we are going to be in the same energetic space as they are. We always have a choice as to who we allow into our life and share our energy with. Wanting someone to change any aspect of themselves or their behavior into what we want them to be or what is best for us shows a lack of acceptance and is a misuse of our power. When we are in acceptance we make relationship choices based on what is best for us in the moment. Any other choice assumes that things will be different in the future but we do not live in the future, we live in the present.

If you have asked for a miracle and it has not happened, do you think you are doing something wrong? Waiting for miracles to manifest is one of our greatest challenges. And yet what we call ‘waiting’ is not really that at all. Miracles happen when we ask for them and as the energies work on our behalf our miracle is created and at the right time it manifests in our life. We say this takes patience but what it really takes is faith and trust, knowing that all of our requests and prayers are always heard and responded to.

When we work with Universal principles we also have to respect Universal Laws and that includes the concepts of patience, trust, divine timing and faith. Without our acceptance of these principles we are always in a hurry, fearful of the results and anxious that our life is not manifesting in the right or best way. Just as we can give others acceptance as a form of love, we can give it to ourselves too. When we recognize that we also do the best we can at any moment in time, we are giving ourselves love and recognizing that all things happen for a reason, at the right time and in the right order.

So if this Valentine’s Day finds you alone and you have been praying for a romance, don’t despair. You have asked for your miracle and it is on its way to you. It will arrive at the right time, in the most perfect way and be what you wanted and maybe even more. Trust, have faith, be patient and watch for your miracle—sometimes they happen in unexpected, miraculous ways. Until then, remember that true love begins with you and when you love and accept yourself you will create a relationship where you are honored, accepted, appreciated and loved in the same measure and more.

Wishing you the blessings of love in these miraculous times, and a happy Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cutting the Cords of the Past

Create a Valentine’s Day miracle, Day 7

Everything that you have done in this exercise this far has been designed to help you create a Valentine’s Day miracle. Maybe you won’t create a new relationship before February 14, which is just a few days away, but you have created the energy around you to allow it to happen. And it can, once we remove our blocks the Universe can move very quickly. But first we must understand how we make choices and what we allow into our life.

Everything in our life is about choice and allowing. We make the choices that create the reality we have and we allow everything that is in our life to have a place there. Whether we are making those choices consciously or unconsciously, aware of what we are doing or not, we use our power to create our reality and the Universe responds to us so that everything we think and say happens, just as we thought and said it. So when we set our intention for something, as in creating a relationship, if we are not consciously directing the process, we are unconsciously engaging a very powerful process that is going to manifest from our thoughts, words, emotions and beliefs.

So if your previous relationship was not pleasant and you are trying to create a new one, it is important to release all of the pain that was associated with that relationship or you will have an opportunity to do that in the next one. This happens because you have unfinished business with yourself. You need to heal and release all of the sadness, pain and hurt so that you can create another kind of relationship. The Universe doesn’t punish us, it never does that. It does, however, help us create experiences that respond to our soul’s call for healing.

This process works in every area of your life. If you were unhappy in a job and left it feeling powerless, you will create another job like it so that you can regain your power and access a higher vibration that allows you to release these energies and heal. Every experience you have that compromises your power and causes pain, fear, regret, disappointment, sadness and betrayal is a call to heal. You can either heal yourself and release these energies on your own or you will have another, similar experience that will help you do that.

So for today’s exercise we will do release work. Choose any relationship in your life, this can be a romantic relationship, a job, someone in your family, a friend, any relationship in which you felt powerless, not respected, or that you feel disappointed with or sad about. Write down every negative emotion you experienced in that relationship and how they make you feel today, as you remember them. Imagine that every one of those negative emotions is tied to you with a silver cord (because they are). Now pretend that you have a large pair of scissors in your hands, make them as big as you want to. Then read through your list of negative emotions and as you read each negative emotion cut the silver cord that corresponds to it. You can burn a candle while doing this, if you want to add an aspect of ceremony to the process.

Once you have finished cutting all of the cords, take a deep breath and tell yourself that ‘it is done’. You can burn your list or tear it up and throw it away. You can keep it if you wish but remember that you are finished with this so you don’t need to re-read your list.

Now you have removed your ties to the emotions around this relationship, and others like it, and you can create a new, fulfilling, joyful relationship because you have completed your healing work and no longer need to create other relationships to help you do that.

Until tomorrow, wishing you the blessings of love in these miraculous times.

Many blessings,

Giving the Universe the Right Tools

Create a Valentine’s Day Miracle, Day 6

Only a few more days until Valentine’s Day and the media is kicking into high gear. Ads with happy, smiling women wistfully accepting gifts of flowers and jewelry are everywhere. Why do the ads always show women receiving gifts? Why not show some men receiving gifts from women—I have always wondered about that. But if you are not going to be the lucky recipient of flowers, candy or jewelry or going out on a Valentine’s date this Saturday night, don’t despair. Your Valentine miracle does not have to appear on Valentine’s Day, it could appear before or after.

What is important is that you put yourself in the vibration that will allow you to create the joy, love, romance, and affection that you desire in your life. You do this by reminding yourself that you already are the love that you seek and the relationship you find will enhance your life, not fill in the gaps you believe exist. We must always start from the point of being enough—good enough, beautiful enough, lovable enough, wise enough and strong enough—because that is when we are in our power and working with the flow of Universal energy.

Yesterday your exercise was to describe what you wanted in a relationship, which could include love, trust, kindness, sharing and affection. In today's exercise you are going to give the Universe the tools to help manifest your Valentine's miracle.

Today you are going to describe your ideal partner. It’s important to write this down so you can refer to it often and remind yourself of what you want. You are going to be describing your ideal partner, in detail, so that the person you manifest will have the qualities that you desire. This is important because you want more than someone who can do the things that you feel are important to you, you want someone who has those qualities in their heart. You could want someone who is kind to you but unless they are a kind person with a kind heart, their kindness will only be on the surface. If you want romance but don’t describe the person as ‘a romantic’, you may manifest someone who can do romantic things from time to time but that is not their true nature.

So make a list of the qualities you want your partner to have. This can include details about their height, weight, eye and hair color, and other physical characteristics. But also include the emotional and personality traits that you want them to have. Be specific and be honest because this is about what you really want.

Remember that the Universe always gives us exactly what we ask for and no more. And it also goes beyond our words and considers our thoughts too, so if you ask for something but don’t believe you can have it you will not be able to manifest it.

Once you have made your list put it in a place where you can look at it often and remind yourself that this is what you want. Then be patient, for miracles are about divine timing.

Until tomorrow, wishing you blessings of love in these miraculous times.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Training the Mind

Create a Valentine’s Day miracle, day 5

Over the past few days you have been asked to remember when you were loved, received and gave love and finding things to appreciate about yourself. Today we will put those things together to give the mind some new pathways so you can create the love you want in your life.

We are all on a healing journey, our entire lifetime is dedicated to some aspect of healing. And this healing journey is a process, where we go from one step to the next, addressing one issue at a time. Sometimes these issues seem insignificant and other times they seem overwhelming. The small issues are usually the ones that are the most important and the large issues are just a collection of smaller issues. Since the mind does not differentiate between important and non-important matters (all things are important to the mind), we have to deal with the process of healing through our emotions, which is where we make judgments about the value of our experiences.

Within our emotional body we make judgments by how we feel, so it doesn’t matter how big or small the situation is. When we feel bad we remember that situation and try to avoid it at all costs. Things that make us feel good we try to repeat. Which is why we continue to seek love, no matter what our previous experience of it is. But without going through the process of healing, we will choose experiences of love that make us feel good, according to our memories, and we can choose the same kind of relationship over and over again.

So for today, we are going to work with the mind and emotions to create a new path for them to follow when choosing relationships (of any kind) and the path that we want to walk. Unless you consciously give the mind and emotions a new set of instructions to work with they will choose from your past experiences, even the ones you do not want to repeat. You want to feel the joy of love but you want to do that in a context of being able to create love that won't have painful consequences. To do that you have to train your mind to think in different ways.

How do you teach the mind new information? By getting clear on what you want, writing it down and reading it many times until it becomes part of your thinking. So we are going to create a relationship wish list but in a different way. Instead of making a list detailing what you want your partner to be, you are going to make a list of what you want in a relationship. This could include wanting love, honor and respect, to have emotional support, appreciation and who shows you kindness and consideration. Someone who can give you the love you have previously received and who can appreciate all of the wonderful things about you. This is where the lessons of the past few days come in. Do you have your lists because you can use them to create the list of what you want in a relationship. And this can be for any kind of relationship, including the one you have with your friends, family and people you work with.

Put your list in a place where you will be able to read it at least once a day, remember you are training your mind to think in new directions and that takes a little time—it takes 21 days to change a habit, including your habitual thinking.

Make your list as long or as short as you want and you can add to the list as you need to. When you focus on what you want you give the Universe a template for helping you create it. And you get very clear on what you want and know what to focus on.

Have fun with your list, be honest and specific and remember, it’s your reality and you are creating it with every thought and word.

Until tomorrow, wishing you the blessings of love in these miraculous times,

Love Yourself

Love Yourself -- Day 4

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, it’s the one day of the year that celebrates romance—in the form of relationships and when you are not in one and wish you were, all of the media hype showing happy, smiling couples lovingly embracing and exchanging gifts (remember, they are actors and models) can make you feel pretty terrible. You still have a few more days for your Valentine’s Day miracle to manifest—if yours was to create a new love. But even if you do not, this week is for you, to help you become the person who will attract the love you seek.

The greatest misconception about love is that we are fulfilled, happy and blessed when we have someone in our life to show that to us. But that is not true. When we recognize our own worth and can love and appreciate ourselves is when we can create a loving, fulfilling and happy relationship. We find what we need when we do not need it; instead we want it because it completes our life, it doesn’t fill any gaping holes that we believe exist. If we start from the point of wanting someone in our life to prove that we are lovable and worthy of love, we are starting from the point where we do not love ourselves. And you know that the Law of Attraction states that whatever energy we are vibrating at is what we attract, so when we do not love ourselves, we attract people who also do not love themselves.

How can someone give you something they don’t have? They can’t and that is why so many relationships end, because one or both partners are looking for the other one to give them what they feel they can’t give to themselves. The relationship may start well but eventually the need for love that each person has will consume the relationship and it will end under the weight of its unfulfilled needs.

So how do you prevent that? That’s the point of today’s exercise. Today you are going to celebrate yourself. Write down or think about at least five qualities that you love in yourself. Are you smart, charming, do you have a nice smile, can you cook a great meal? Are you a loving parent or spouse (this works for married people too)? Can you make people comfortable, do you communicate well or have compassion? Do you paint, draw, play music, sew or garden? Focus on anything that you really love about yourself.

Then, as you go through your day and you see the photos of smiling, loving actors and models, before you think that you wish you had what they do, remind yourself of the wonderful qualities that you do have. This is how you raise your vibrations and take yourself out of the neediness of wanting a relationship to knowing that you are creating a relationship that will last because you already love yourself and the partner you attract will be at that vibration and will be able to love, honor and cherish you.

Until tomorrow, wishing you the blessings of love.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Give the Gift of Forgiveness

Valentine’s Day is just 5 days away. Are you preparing for a special day or sadly remembering that this year you will be spending the day (or evening) by yourself? Yesterday you were asked to remember an incident where you felt unconditional love, not limited to romance but the kind of love that filled your heart and changed your life. This could have been anything from something you remember from childhood, your first love, the birth of a child or any time in your life when you experienced love.

Some of you may have remembered a love relationship and then felt sad because it is no longer part of your life. The love you remember may be accompanied by the pain you also remember when the relationship ended. So for today’s exercise, as we work to create your Valentine’s Day miracle, we are going to focus on forgiveness.

Any healing and transformation work that we do has to include forgiveness. In fact, without forgiveness we are not in the vibration that allows us to create miracles. Forgiveness allows us to remove emotional attachments, cut the energetic cords that bind us to others and our experiences with them, release painful memories and receive closure.

Today, focus on a person who has hurt you in some way. This could be someone who hurt your feelings, betrayed you, maybe it was the person you loved unconditionally and they left the relationship. Don’t spend too much time thinking about who you should focus on, ask yourself ‘who can I forgive to help me create the loving relationship I want in my life’ and then go with the first name that comes to your mind.

Will it be hard to forgive this person? It might be but remember that forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself, not to the other person. With forgiveness you free yourself from carrying the burden of pain and heartache that is around this relationship and all of the events around it. We create all of the details of our reality, even the painful ones. What did you need to learn from the pain that you experienced? Did you know that the resentment, pain and hurt feelings that you carry if you do not forgive someone block a new relationship from coming to you?

So today, let it go, forgive the person and as you are doing that, see yourself as being free of all of the burdens involved. And remember that everything we regret keeps us out of the vibration of miracles. Forgiveness is not only important, it is necessary. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness and free yourself to move into higher vibrations so you can attract the love you desire.

Until tomorrow, I wish you miracles of love in your life.

Jennifer Hoffman

Feeling Love

The approach of Valentine’s Day can remind you of how lucky you are to have someone in your life who loves you, your significant other, or it can remind you that once again, you are facing another Valentine’s Day without a relationship in your life. Whether you have someone to buy you candy and flowers on February 14 is not an indicator of whether you have love in your life. You are always loved by your Creator and you can create that love within yourself. In fact, it is necessary for you to love yourself before you can find the love you seek.

Today’s exercise is to remind yourself of a time when you gave love to someone. Remember an experience of love that you had for someone else. This could be a partner that you deeply loved, a friend you cherished, a child or any important person in your life that you felt love for. As you remember this love, call the emotions to you, how you felt happy, fulfilled and complete in that love. Remember the magic of those moments when the world seemed brighter, life was full of promise and time seemed to stand still.

I remember that feeling when my first child was born. The wonder of that moment, looking into her eyes for the first time, and seeing this little being that I helped bring into the world was truly magical. I remember holding her and knowing that from that moment forward my life was changed. And that is what happens to us when we experience love, our life changes forever. It doesn't matter how long it lasts or how it turns out, the experience of love is a gift that we can cherish, being grateful for each time we have it.

The important thing is to not follow that feeling with remembering how that relationship is no longer with you, how hurt you were when the relationship ended, how you have not been able to re-create that love in your life again. To give love is a gift that we give someone else and to give it unconditionally means just that, we have no expectations or judgments about how long it will last or what we will receive in return. In the moment we were giving love, we were happy and fulfilled with that love.

So today, as you remember that Valentine’s Day is next weekend, remember that you can give love and have felt the love that you now wish to find. If you have someone in your life that you currently share that love with, remind yourself and them how much you appreciate it. If it is from a past relationship, feel the joy that you felt when you were in love. We have to be in the vibration of love in order to create it.

Feel love, be in love, in that magical moment when everything is sparkling and you are in joy. Keep that feeling with you all day and you will create the energy for love the love you wish to have to connect with you again.

Until tomorrow, I send you wishes of love in your life during these miraculous times.

Many blessings,

Friday, February 6, 2009

Your Valentine's Day Miracle

February 6, 2009

In a week we will celebrate Valentine’s Day. Like Christmas and Easter, it is one of the few holidays that the world recognizes. Is it because we share the need for what it represents, to be loved and cherished by another? Do you look forward to Valentine’s day with dread or with great joy? Do you see it as a reminder of your unsuccessful romantic life or as an opportunity to celebrate yourself and your life whether or not someone is there to do that for you?

For many of you this Valentine’s Day may have other concerns, you may be afraid of losing your job or have already lost it, you may have be unemployed, there may be problems with your family or children, reports on our economic crisis may be troubling you or you may be one of the millions of people around the world who are struggling with finding their life purpose. In the face of your many problems, Valentine’s Day may be insignificant. And on top of everything else, the fact that you don’t have someone to buy you flowers, candy or jewelry, or that you do not have a significant other may be downright depressing.

But there is a way to change that and we are going to start today. Today you will begin to create your Valentine’s Day miracle. This may or may not mean that you will find a new romance by February 14, 2009, but it will start you on the path of creating the possibility for romance in your life in 2009.

Today, you will begin by thinking of an incident in your life where you were reminded that you are loved. This can be anything from winning an award to a happy memory with a favorite relative to an incident where someone let you know that you were important.

For me, that was an incident that happened with my father, who died 20 years ago. He was a quiet man, very reserved and who did not often show emotion. In fact, my father was rarely around the house. But this one time, he came through for me and let me know that he loved me.

I was 15 years old, just beginning to be interested in boys and had set my eyes on a young man. A friend had invited me to their pool party and I was excited because this young man would be there. We had talked quite a bit, he seemed to be interested and I was sure that he liked me. Well, when I got to the party he was there, holding hands with another girl who he said was his girlfriend. I was devastated and could not wait to for the party to be over.

When my father came to pick me up I got into the car and said very little, which was unusual for me because I always talked a lot. My father turned to me and asked ‘Is everything all right?.’ That did it, the tears started falling and I told him what had happened. My quiet, reserved father held my hand while I cried and then gave me a hug and told me that I would find someone who would appreciate the wonderful person that I was.

In that moment I felt loved, appreciated and very special. My parents divorced soon after that and my father was even more distant. But the memory of that moment has been my reminder that I was loved and appreciated.

As you remember your special moment, let the love that you felt in that moment fill you up, breathe in the joy you felt, the security and that wonderful feeling of knowing that someone gave you the validation you needed. Can you feel it? Good. Now, you are going to keep that feeling with you for the rest of the day.

And every time you walk by a Valentine’s Day display and you are tempted to feel sorry for yourself because no one will be buying you a Valentine, recall that feeling and know that you are loved. Remember that we have to be what we want to attract, that is the Law of Attraction. You can’t attract love from a place of feeling unlovable. As you go through your day, remember that you are loved, lovable and are worthy of love.

That’s today’s lesson, we’ll have another tomorrow.

Many blessings of love and joy to you,
Jennifer Hoffman

Do you need a miracle? Buy the book that teaches you how., available soon.