Saturday, February 7, 2009

Feeling Love

The approach of Valentine’s Day can remind you of how lucky you are to have someone in your life who loves you, your significant other, or it can remind you that once again, you are facing another Valentine’s Day without a relationship in your life. Whether you have someone to buy you candy and flowers on February 14 is not an indicator of whether you have love in your life. You are always loved by your Creator and you can create that love within yourself. In fact, it is necessary for you to love yourself before you can find the love you seek.

Today’s exercise is to remind yourself of a time when you gave love to someone. Remember an experience of love that you had for someone else. This could be a partner that you deeply loved, a friend you cherished, a child or any important person in your life that you felt love for. As you remember this love, call the emotions to you, how you felt happy, fulfilled and complete in that love. Remember the magic of those moments when the world seemed brighter, life was full of promise and time seemed to stand still.

I remember that feeling when my first child was born. The wonder of that moment, looking into her eyes for the first time, and seeing this little being that I helped bring into the world was truly magical. I remember holding her and knowing that from that moment forward my life was changed. And that is what happens to us when we experience love, our life changes forever. It doesn't matter how long it lasts or how it turns out, the experience of love is a gift that we can cherish, being grateful for each time we have it.

The important thing is to not follow that feeling with remembering how that relationship is no longer with you, how hurt you were when the relationship ended, how you have not been able to re-create that love in your life again. To give love is a gift that we give someone else and to give it unconditionally means just that, we have no expectations or judgments about how long it will last or what we will receive in return. In the moment we were giving love, we were happy and fulfilled with that love.

So today, as you remember that Valentine’s Day is next weekend, remember that you can give love and have felt the love that you now wish to find. If you have someone in your life that you currently share that love with, remind yourself and them how much you appreciate it. If it is from a past relationship, feel the joy that you felt when you were in love. We have to be in the vibration of love in order to create it.

Feel love, be in love, in that magical moment when everything is sparkling and you are in joy. Keep that feeling with you all day and you will create the energy for love the love you wish to have to connect with you again.

Until tomorrow, I send you wishes of love in your life during these miraculous times.

Many blessings,


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Thanks for posting this. It's a good reminder of all the love that surrounds us continually.

hawk333 said...

This is fabulous! I remember feeling being loved so much, and so safe and secure as a small child. Not because of any particular situation or person, just that I was. When I remember a time I loved another, and still do, I am brought back to that feeling of a child! I hope others can feel that too!

Lily said...

This thoughts are truly beautiful!

Enlightening Life Your said...

Thank you all for leaving your comments. I'm glad that you have been reminded of the love that you have in your life. It is a blessing that we often forget when we get into the 'busyness' of life.